Gold Coast
Amy Zipf, Your Lawyer
AZ-Law is a modern Gold Coast law firm providing affordable legal services to every day individuals, families and small businesses. Specialising in conveyancing, leasing, wills and estates.
Know your lawyer
Amy Zipf will be your lawyer and will oversee your matter, from start to finish. Amy is assisted by Solicitor Bryar Fairhall and Conveyancing Manager Michelle English.
Lawyer for busy people
Sort out your conveyance or wills from the comfort of your home or office. Using email, phone, zoom consultations – your preferred way at your preferred time.
Fixed fee
AZ-Law is a fixed fee law firm. Know the cost of your matter, right here right now.
Review pricing
Legal Services
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Buying or selling property
We can assist you with buying and selling residential properties.
Includes both private sale and auction.
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Loan Advice
Solicitor certificates
Advice on guarantees
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Small business leasing
Advice and negotiation on commercial and retail shop leases.
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Will drafting
Estate planning
Testamentary Trusts
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Deceased estate
Get in touch
Not sure where to start? Contact me HERE.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.